Dr. Phil C. McGraw biography Phillip Calvin McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil or simply as Phil C. McGraw (September 1, 1950), psychologist and writer. The...
Cara Delevingne biography The actress and model Cara Jocelyn Delevingne was born on August 12, 1992, in the city of London, England. As a model, she...
Justin Timberlake Biography Justin Randall Timberlake singer, songwriter, record producer, voice actor, actor, dancer, and businessman. Known simply as Justin Timberlake. Since starting his career, he...
John Cena Biography John Felix Anthony Cena, better known as John Cena (April 23, 1977) professional wrestler and actor. Born in West Newbury, Massachusetts, his parents...
Jennifer Lopez Biography Jennifer Lynn Lopez Rodriguez, known as Jennifer Lopez, is an actress, singer, songwriter, dancer, choreographer, fashion designer, record producer, television producer, perfumer, and...
Dwayne Johnson Biography Dwayne Douglas Johnson (May 2, 1972). Former wrestler and actor. Also known as The Rock. He was born in Hayward, California, United States....
David Copperfield Biography David Seth Kotkin (September 16, 1956), Illusionist. Better known as David Copperfield. His place of origin was Metuchen, New Jersey, United States. He...
Bad Bunny Biography Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, known in the world of music as Bad Bunny, is a Puerto Rican singer and songwriter (He also has...
Taylor Swift Biography The actress, singer and also composer of Country music Taylor Alison Swift, was born on December 13, 1989, in the city of Reading...
Will Smith Biography Willard Christopher Smith Jr. O Willard “Carroll” Smith Jr., better known by his stage name Will Smith, was born on September 25, 1968,...