The history of television The history of television begins in 1884 when Paul Nipkow designs the disc that bears his name. In the search for devices...
Meryl Streep Biography Mary Louise Streep, known as Meryl Streep, is an American film, theater and television actress, known for being one of the best actresses...
Johnny Depp Biography John Christopher Depp II is an American actor, producer, director, screenwriter, and musician, noted for his versatility when it comes to playing roles...
Natalie Portman Biography Natalie Portman is an Israeli actress, psychologist, director and producer with American nationality, and is recognized for having won the most important film...
Roger Moore Biography Sir Roger George Moore, was an English television and film actor, recognized for his performance in the series “The Holy” and for playing...
Ariana Grande Biography Ariana Grande-Butera is an American actress, singer, and model. She was born on June 26, 1993, in Boca Raton, Florida, and is the...
Zac Efron Biography Zachary David Alexander Efron, better known as Zac Efron, is an American film and television actor, recognized for his participation in the High School...