Virgil biography Publio Virgilio Marón (October 15, 70 b.C. – September 21, 19 b.C.), Roman poet, author of The Aeneid. He was born in the Andes,...
Sebastián Yatra biography Sebastián Obando Giraldo, known in the world of music as Sebastián Yatra, is a singer, composer, ballad artist and romantic Colombian, recognized because...
Friedrich Nietzsche biography Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900) philosopher, poet, musician, and philologist. He was born in Röcken, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Friedrich...
Cosculluela biography José Fernando Cosculluela Suárez (October 15, 1980) singer and composer of rap and reggaetón. His artistic name is Cosculluella. He was born in Humacao,...
Célestine Freinet Biography Célestine Freinet was born in 1896, on October 15, in a small village in the French Maritime Alps, and died in 1966 in Vence,...
Evangelista Torricelli Biography Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) was an Italian physicist and mathematician who made great contributions in the fields of pure mathematics, integral calculus and the movement...