Fernando Botero Biography Fernando Botero Angulo (April 19, 1932 – September 15, 2023) was a sculptor, painter, muralist, and draftsman, hailing from Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia. He...
Anime history Japanese anime or animation emerged at the beginning of the 20th century influenced by animation and the world of cinema developed in the United...
John Ruskin Biography John Ruskin (February 8, 1819 – January 20, 1900) writer, painter, art critic, and reformer. He was born in London, England. His parents...
John Harvey McCracken Biography John Harvey McCracken (December 9, 1934 – April 8, 2011) minimalist artist. He was born in Berkeley, California, United States. He excelled...
Jeff Koons Biography Jeffrey Koons (January 21, 1955) Born in York, Pennsylvania, United States. American artist considered one of the most controversial and quoted living authors...
Gian Lorenzo Bernini Biography Gian Lorenzo Bernini (December 7, 1598 – November 28, 1680) Born in Naples, Italy. Architect, sculptor, and painter, considered one of the...
Vasíli Kandinski biography Vasíli Kandinski (December 4, 1866 – December 13, 1944), Russian plastic artist. He was born in Moscow, Russia. His family was of high...
Plato Biography Plato probably was born in Athens or in Aegina in 427 b.C. and died in Athens in 347 b.C. He was an apprentice philosopher...
Paul Cézanne Biography Paul Cézanne was a French painter, ascribed to post-impressionism and considered a fundamental influence for 20th and 21st-century art. He was born in the...
Frida Kahlo Biography Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón was a painter, who was born on July 6, 1907, in Coyoacán, Mexico. Known in the world for the...