Enzo Vogrincic Biography Enzo Vogrincic Roldán (March 22, 1993) is an actor hailing from Montevideo, Uruguay. He has garnered international acclaim for his exceptional portrayal of...
Arata Mackenyu Biography Mackenyu Maeda (前田 真剣佑), also known artistically as Arata Mackenyu or simply Mackenyu (November 16, 1996), is an actor from Los Angeles, California,...
Taz Skylar Biography Tarek Yassin Skylar (December 5, 1995), known artistically as Taz Skylar, is an actor born in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. He is renowned...
Jacob Gibson Biography Jacob Romero Gibson (July 11, 1996), also known as Jacob Gibson, is a theatre, film, and television actor from Jamaica. He is renowned...
Iñaki Godoy Biography Iñaki Godoy Jasso (August 25, 2003) is a film and television actor born in Mexico City, Mexico. He is renowned for his spectacular...
Uma Thurman Biography Film actress (1970) Uma Thurman is an actress known for her roles in films such as Kill Bill, its sequel and Pulp Fiction....