Jacob Gibson Biography Jacob Romero Gibson (July 11, 1996), also known as Jacob Gibson, is a theatre, film, and television actor from Jamaica. He is renowned...
Iñaki Godoy Biography Iñaki Godoy Jasso (August 25, 2003) is a film and television actor born in Mexico City, Mexico. He is renowned for his spectacular...
Mark Margolis Biography Mark Margolis (November 26, 1939 – August 3, 2023) was a film and television actor, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. He is...
Paul Reubens Biography Paul Rubenfeld (August 27, 1952 – July 30, 2023), also known as Paul Reubens or Pee-wee, was an actor and comedian born in...
Angus Cloud Biography Conor Angus Cloud Hickey (July 10, 1998 – July 31, 2023), better known as Angus Cloud, was an American actor, renowned for his...
Biography of Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio is a renowned actor and film producer who has won numerous awards within the film industry. He was born...
Biography of Denzel Washington Denzel Washington is an African American actor born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York, United States. His father was...