
Football history

Football or Soccer history

Although we want to go back to the History of Soccer, we must bear in mind that its roots and rules were not typical of the sport we know today.

Being Xeng-T emperor, in the 5th century, he forced the soldiers to play a ball game known as Tsú-Shú; meaning Tsú: kick and Shú: ball.

In the 2nd century b.C. in China, a game was held that consisted of disputing the ball vigorously with the rivals, and then, with the use of the feet and hands, passing the ball over a cord held by two posts, which today we know as “goal.”

In these times it is when the raw leather is wrapped in several roots; giving birth to the leather ball. Its inventor was FU-HI. It was used in the Chinese dynasty then, as training in the military fields. Even when a soldier violated the code, he was forced to dominate the ball without dropping it, if so, his punishment was dropped.

A century later, in Egypt, the ball game is performed as a fertility ritual. This game is adopted by its neighboring towns India and Persia, obtaining the ball as the object of the game.

 We can also find in America how the Aztecs practiced for years the game called Tlachitli, which was a mix between tennis, football and basketball. In the game the use of the hands was prohibited and the losing team captain was sacrificed as part of the game.

In 1855 Charles Goodyear built and patented the first soccer ball which consisted of a rudimentary vulcanized rubber ball.

However, if we want to talk about the History of Soccer per se, we should talk about how the Football Association was founded in England in 1863,

thus being the first governing body of that sport. Stipulating from there the rules and style of play of what is today the most famous sport in the world.

In the year of 1900, Soccer is included in the Olympic Games and recognized as such. Later in 1902 Argentina and Uruguay meet in the first International match outside the British Isles.

In 1904, FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) was founded in Paris, France. Who from that moment was dedicated to regulate and organize the meetings worldwide.

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