
The history of the atom

The history of the atom The history of the atom begins 450 years before Christ with the assertions postulated by…

2 years ago

Willem Einthoven

Willem Einthoven Biography Willem Einthoven (May 21, 1860 - September 28, 1927) Physiologist and physician. Nobel Prize in Medicine in…

5 years ago

Lucy Wills

Lucy Wills Biography Lucy Wills (May 10, 1888 - 1964) hematologist and botany. She was born in Sutton Coldfield, United…

5 years ago

Claude Bernard

Claude Bernard Biography Claude Bernard (July 12, 1813 - February 10, 1878) physiologist. He was born in Saint-Julien, France. The…

5 years ago

Adolf Von Baeyer

Adolf Von Baeyer Biography Adolf von Baeyer (October 31, 1835 - August 20, 1917) Chemist and Nobel Prize in Chemistry…

5 years ago

Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin biography Sergei Brin (August 21, 1973) computer scientist and creator of the Internet search engine Google. He was…

5 years ago

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins biography Clinton Richard Dawkins (March 26, 1941) ethologist, zoologist, and evolutionary biologist. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya,…

5 years ago

Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget biography Jean William Fritz Piaget (August 9, 1896 - September 16, 1980) epistemologist, psychologist, and biologist. He was…

5 years ago

Werner Karl Heisenberg

Werner Karl Heisenberg biography Werner Karl Heisenberg (December 5, 1901 - February 1, 1976) German physicist. He was born in…

6 years ago

Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi biography Enrico Fermi (September 29, 1901 - November 28, 1954). Italian nuclear physicist. His family enjoyed certain amenities,…

6 years ago

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