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Sebastián Piñera Biography Miguel Juan Sebastián Piñera Echenique (December 1, 1949 – February 6, 2024) was a politician, entrepreneur, and…

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Jacques Pierre Brissot

Jacques Pierre Brissot Biography Jacques Pierre Brissot (January 15, 1754 - October 31, 1793) writer and political leader. He was…

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George Clemenceau

George Clemenceau Biography Georges Clemenceau (September 28, 1841 - November 24, 1929) doctor, journalist, and politician. He was born in…

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Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell biography Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658) English political and military leader. This man was born in Huntingdon, United…

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Leon Trotsky biography Lev Davidovich Bronstein (November 7, 1879 - August 20, 1940), revolutionary leader. He was born in Yakovka,…

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Elizabeth II of England

Elizabeth II of England biography Elizabeth II of England (April 21, 1926) Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain…

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Otto Von Bismarck biography Otto von Bismarck (April 1, 1815 - July 30, 1898) politician and former Chancellor of Germany.…

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Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger biography Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30 of 1947 in Thal, Austria. He is mostly recognized…

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