
History of Philosophy

History of Philosophy The history of philosophy is closely linked to the emergence of religions and states in antiquity. Many…

2 years ago

Benedetto Croce

Benedetto Croce Biography Benedetto Croce (February 25, 1866 - November 20, 1952) philosopher, historian, and literary critic. He was born…

5 years ago

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes biography Thomas Hobbes (April 5, 1588 - December 4, 1679), English philosopher. Thomas was born in Malmesbury, Wiltshire,…

6 years ago

Thales Of Miletus

Thales Of Miletus biography Thales of Miletus, as his name suggests and in the style of the time, was born…

6 years ago


Sophocles biography Sophocles (495 b.C.-406 b.C.) Greek tragic poet. Born in the Colona region, Greece. Son of a rich gunsmith…

6 years ago


Parmenides biography Parmenides of Elea (530 BC - 470 BC) philosopher and founder of ontology. He was born in the…

6 years ago


Montesquieu biography Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, generally referred to as simply Montesquieu (January 18,…

6 years ago

Gottfried Leibniz

Gottfried Leibniz biography Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, better known as Gottfried Leibniz (July 1, 1646 - November 14, 1716), rationalist philosopher,…

6 years ago

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche biography Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 - August 25, 1900) philosopher, poet, musician, and philologist. He was…

6 years ago


Anaximenes biography He was born in Miletus, in 590 b.C. According to Theophrastus, he was a disciple of Anaximander; and,…

6 years ago

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