
Rudolf Carnap

Rudolf Carnap Biography Rudolf Carnap (May 18, 1891 - September 14, 1970) was born in Ronsdorf, Germany. German philosopher, one of…

5 years ago

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld Biography Karl Lagerfeld (September 10, 1933 - September 19, 2019) was born in Hamburg, Germany. Designer considered one…

5 years ago

Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge

Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge Biography Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge (February 8, 1794 - March 25, 1867) was born in Hamburg, Germany. Chemist and…

5 years ago

Emil Berliner

Emil Berliner Biography Emil Berliner (May 20, 1851 - August 3, 1929) inventor. He was born in Hannover, Germany. He…

5 years ago

Adolf Von Baeyer

Adolf Von Baeyer Biography Adolf von Baeyer (October 31, 1835 - August 20, 1917) Chemist and Nobel Prize in Chemistry…

5 years ago

Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher biography Michael Schumacher (January 3, 1969), Formula 1 driver. Born in Hürth-Hermülheim, Germany. His family was not well…

6 years ago

The Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm biography The Brothers Grimm were philologists and folklorists. Born in Hanau, Berlin, Germany. Jacob Grimm was the…

6 years ago

Gottfried Leibniz

Gottfried Leibniz biography Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, better known as Gottfried Leibniz (July 1, 1646 - November 14, 1716), rationalist philosopher,…

6 years ago

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche biography Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 - August 25, 1900) philosopher, poet, musician, and philologist. He was…

6 years ago


Charlemagne biography Charlemagne (April 2, 742 - January 28, 814). He was born in Aachen, the westernmost city of Germany,…

6 years ago

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