
Peter the Apostle (Saint Peter)

Biography of Saint Peter Saint Peter (late 1st century BC - 64 AD) was an apostle of Jesus Christ and…

2 years ago

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Biography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Mother Teresa of Calcutta was an Albanian religious sister, who was naturalized in India.…

2 years ago


History of Lucifer Lucifer, also known as Luzbel or Satan, is the fallen angel who, according to Christian tradition, was…

2 years ago

Benedict of Nursia

Benedict of Nursia biography Benedict of Nursia (480 AD -547 AD) was born in Nursia, Italy. Religious, founder of the…

5 years ago

Urban II

Urban II biography Urban II (1042 - July 29, 1099) Promoter Pope of the Crusades. Odón de Chantillón, christening name,…

6 years ago

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine of Hippo biography Aurelio Agustín de Hipona (November 13, 354 - August 28, 430) theologian. He was born…

6 years ago

John Calvin

John Calvin biography Jehan Cauvin, Castilianized as Juan Calvino (July 10, 1509 - May 27, 1564). Theologian and Protestant reformer.…

6 years ago

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II Biography John Paul II, first name Karol Józef Wojtyła, was a supreme pontiff of the Catholic…

6 years ago


Muhammad Biography Abu l-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn'Abd Allāh al-Hāšimī al-Qurayšī, better known as Muhammad, was born in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia,…

7 years ago

Pope Francisco (Jorge Mario Bergoglio)

Pope Francisco (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) Biography Jorge Mario Bergoglio better known as Pope Francisco was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina,…

7 years ago

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