Louis Jacques Daguerre biography Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (November 18, 1787 - July 10, 1851) was a French painter and…
Lenin biography Lenin (April 22, 1870 - January 21, 1924). Russian communist leader. His real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,…
Lebron James biography LeBron James (December 30, 1984). Basketball player. He was born in Akron, Ohio, United States. Son of…
Lao Tse biography Lao Tse (604 a.C -) Chinese thinker, creator of Taoism. His birth occurred in a small village…
Kevin Hart biography Kevin Darnell Hart, better known as Kevin Hart (July 6, 1979) was born in North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,…
John Locke biography John Locke (August 29, 1632 - October 28, 1704) father of liberalism. He was born in Wrington,…
John F. Kennedy biography John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963) politician and US president. His birth…
John Calvin biography Jehan Cauvin, Castilianized as Juan Calvino (July 10, 1509 - May 27, 1564). Theologian and Protestant reformer.…
Johann Sebastian Bach biography Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21, 1685 - July 28, 1750). German composer. He was born in…
James Patterson biography James Brendan Patterson, better known as James Patterson (March 22, 1947). Writer and publicist. He was born…
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